To follow biomod2 evolution of organization and features, the presentation below details the different steps and modules of the package.

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Data formating : BIOMOD_FormatingData

  • Formating data : combine observations, coordinates and explanatory variables,
    and sample pseudo-absences for presence-only data (through bm_PseudoAbsences)

  • Cross-validation : create calibration / validation datasets (through bm_CrossValidation)

  • Modeling options (with the help of ModelsTable and OptionsBigboss datasets)

Single models : BIOMOD_Modeling

Ensemble models : BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling

  • Filter single models based on one evaluation metric
  • Combine them according to different combinations
  • And build ensemble models

Exploring outputs

Projecting models : BIOMOD_Projection, BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting

  • Project models onto new conditions
  • Transform predicted probabilities in binary values (through bm_BinaryTransformation)

Species range change : BIOMOD_RangeSize