This function gathers together all input data needed (xy, presences/absences, explanatory variables, and the same for evaluation data if available) to run biomod2 models. It allows to select pseudo-absences if no absence data is available, with different strategies (see Details).
dir.name = ".",
resp.xy = NULL,
eval.resp.var = NULL,
eval.expl.var = NULL,
eval.resp.xy = NULL,
PA.nb.rep = 0,
PA.nb.absences = 1000,
PA.strategy = NULL,
PA.dist.min = 0,
PA.dist.max = NULL,
PA.sre.quant = 0.025,
PA.fact.aggr = NULL,
PA.user.table = NULL,
na.rm = TRUE,
filter.raster = FALSE,
seed.val = NULL
a character
corresponding to the species name
a vector
, a SpatVector
without associated data (if presence-only),
or a SpatVector
object containing binary data
: absence, 1
: presence, NA
: indeterminate)
for a single species that will be used to build the species distribution model(s)
Note that old format from sp are still supported such as
(if presence-only) or SpatialPointsDataFrame
object containing binary data.
a matrix
, data.frame
, SpatVector
or SpatRaster
object containing the explanatory variables
(in columns or layers) that will be used to build the species distribution model(s)
Note that old format from raster and sp are still supported such as
and SpatialPointsDataFrame
(optional, default .
A character
corresponding to the modeling folder
(optional, default NULL
If resp.var
is a vector
, a 2-columns matrix
or data.frame
containing the corresponding X
and Y
coordinates that will be
used to build the species distribution model(s)
(optional, default NULL
A vector
, a SpatVector
without associated data (if presence-only),
or a SpatVector
object containing binary data
: absence, 1
: presence, NA
: indeterminate)
for a single species that will be used to
evaluate the species distribution model(s) with independent data
Note that old format from sp are still supported such as
(if presence-only) or SpatialPointsDataFrame
object containing binary data.
(optional, default NULL
A matrix
, data.frame
, SpatVector
or SpatRaster
object containing the explanatory variables (in
columns or layers) that will be used to evaluate the species distribution model(s) with
independent data.
Note that old format from raster and sp are still supported such as
and SpatialPointsDataFrame
(optional, default NULL
If resp.var
is a vector
, a 2-columns matrix
or data.frame
containing the corresponding X
and Y
coordinates that will be used to evaluate
the species distribution model(s) with independent data
(optional, default 0
If pseudo-absence selection, an integer
corresponding to the number of sets
(repetitions) of pseudo-absence points that will be drawn
(optional, default 0
If pseudo-absence selection, and PA.strategy = 'random'
or PA.strategy = 'sre'
or PA.strategy = 'disk'
, an integer
corresponding to the number of pseudo-absence
points that will be selected for each pseudo-absence repetition (true absences included).
It can also be a vector
of the same length as PA.nb.rep
containing integer
values corresponding to the different numbers of pseudo-absences to be selected
(optional, default NULL
If pseudo-absence selection, a character
defining the strategy that will be used to
select the pseudo-absence points. Must be random
, sre
, disk
(see Details)
(optional, default 0
If pseudo-absence selection and PA.strategy = 'disk'
, a numeric
defining the
minimal distance to presence points used to make the disk
pseudo-absence selection
(in the same projection system units as resp.xy
and expl.var
, see Details)
(optional, default 0
If pseudo-absence selection and PA.strategy = 'disk'
, a numeric
defining the
maximal distance to presence points used to make the disk
pseudo-absence selection
(in the same projection system units as resp.xy
and expl.var
, see Details)
(optional, default 0
If pseudo-absence selection and PA.strategy = 'sre'
, a numeric
between 0
and 0.5
defining the half-quantile used to make the sre
pseudo-absence selection
(see Details)
(optional, default NULL
If strategy = 'random'
or strategy = 'disk'
, a integer
defining the factor of aggregation to reduce the resolution
(optional, default NULL
If pseudo-absence selection and PA.strategy = 'user.defined'
, a matrix
with as many rows as resp.var
values, as many columns as
, and containing TRUE
values defining which points
will be used to build the species distribution model(s) for each repetition (see Details)
(optional, default TRUE
A logical
value defining whether points having one or several missing values for
explanatory variables should be removed from the analysis or not
(optional, default FALSE
If expl.var
is of raster type, a logical
value defining whether resp.var
is to be filtered when several points occur in the same raster cell
(optional, default NULL
An integer
value corresponding to the new seed value to be set
A BIOMOD.formated.data
object that can be used to build species distribution
model(s) with the BIOMOD_Modeling
are available to have a summary of the created object.
This function gathers and formats all input data needed to run biomod2 models. It
supports different kind of inputs (e.g. matrix
, SpatRaster
and provides different methods to select pseudo-absences if needed.
Concerning explanatory variables and XY coordinates :
if SpatRaster
, RasterLayer
or RasterStack
provided for expl.var
or eval.expl.var
biomod2 will extract
the corresponding values from XY coordinates provided :
either through resp.xy
or eval.resp.xy
or resp.var
or eval.resp.var
, if provided as
or SpatialPointsDataFrame
Be sure to give the objects containing XY coordinates in the same projection system than the raster objects !
if data.frame
or matrix
provided for expl.var
biomod2 will simply merge it (cbind
with resp.var
without considering XY coordinates.
Be sure to give explanatory and response values in the same row order !
Concerning pseudo-absence selection (see bm_PseudoAbsences
) :
if both presence and absence data are available, and there is enough absences :
set PA.nb.rep = 0
and no pseudo-absence will be selected.
if no absence data is available, several pseudo-absence repetitions
are recommended (to estimate the effect of pseudo-absence selection), as well as high
number of pseudo-absence points.
Be sure not to select more pseudo-absence points than maximum number of pixels in
the studied area !
it is possible now to create several pseudo-absence repetitions with different
number of points, BUT with the same sampling strategy.
biomod2 models single species at a time (no multi-species). Hence, resp.var
must be a uni-dimensional object (either a vector
, a one-column matrix
, a SpatVector
(without associated
data - if presence-only), a SpatialPoints
(if presence-only),
a SpatialPointsDataFrame
or SpatVector
containing values among :
: presences
: true absences (if any)
: no information point (might be used to select pseudo-absences if any)
If no true absences are available, pseudo-absence selection must be done.
If resp.var
is a non-spatial object (vector
, matrix
), XY coordinates must be provided through resp.xy
If pseudo-absence points are to be selected, NA
points must be provided in order to
select pseudo-absences among them.
Factorial variables are allowed, but might lead to some pseudo-absence strategy or models
omissions (e.g. sre
Although biomod2 provides tools to automatically divide dataset into calibration and
validation parts through the modeling process (see CV.[..]
parameters in
function ; or bm_CrossValidation
), it is also possible (and strongly advised) to directly provide two independent
datasets, one for calibration/validation and one for evaluation
)If no true absences are available, pseudo-absences must be selected from the
background data, meaning data there is no information whether the species of
interest occurs or not. It corresponds either to the remaining pixels of the expl.var
(if provided as a SpatRaster
or RasterSatck
or to the points identified as NA
in resp.var
(if expl.var
provided as a matrix
or data.frame
Several methods are available to do this selection :
all points of initial background are pseudo-absence candidates.
are drawn randomly, for each PA.nb.rep
pseudo-absences have to be selected in conditions (combination of explanatory
variables) that differ in a defined proportion (PA.sre.quant
) from those of
presence points. A Surface Range Envelop model is first run over the species of
interest (see bm_SRE
), and pseudo-absences are selected outside this envelop.
This case is appropriate when all the species climatic niche has been sampled,
otherwise it may lead to over-optimistic model evaluations and predictions !
pseudo-absences are selected within circles around presence points defined by
and PA.dist.max
distance values (in the same projection system
units as coord
and expl.var
). It allows to select pseudo-absence points that
are not too close to (avoid same niche and pseudo-replication) or too far (localized
sampling strategy) from presences.
pseudo-absences are defined in advance and given as data.frame
through the PA.user.table
, BIOMOD_Modeling
Other Main functions:
# Load species occurrences (6 species available)
# Select the name of the studied species
myRespName <- 'GuloGulo'
# Get corresponding presence/absence data
myResp <- as.numeric(DataSpecies[, myRespName])
# Get corresponding XY coordinates
myRespXY <- DataSpecies[, c('X_WGS84', 'Y_WGS84')]
# Load environmental variables extracted from BIOCLIM (bio_3, bio_4, bio_7, bio_11 & bio_12)
myExpl <- terra::rast(bioclim_current)
# \dontshow{
myExtent <- terra::ext(0,30,45,70)
myExpl <- terra::crop(myExpl, myExtent)
# }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------#
# Format Data with true absences
myBiomodData <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp,
expl.var = myExpl,
resp.xy = myRespXY,
resp.name = myRespName)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------#
# # Transform true absences into potential pseudo-absences
# myResp.PA <- ifelse(myResp == 1, 1, NA)
# # Format Data with pseudo-absences : random method
# myBiomodData.r <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp.PA,
# expl.var = myExpl,
# resp.xy = myRespXY,
# resp.name = myRespName,
# PA.nb.rep = 4,
# PA.nb.absences = 1000,
# PA.strategy = 'random')
# # Format Data with pseudo-absences : disk method
# myBiomodData.d <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp.PA,
# expl.var = myExpl,
# resp.xy = myRespXY,
# resp.name = myRespName,
# PA.nb.rep = 4,
# PA.nb.absences = 500,
# PA.strategy = 'disk',
# PA.dist.min = 5,
# PA.dist.max = 35)
# # Format Data with pseudo-absences : SRE method
# myBiomodData.s <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp.PA,
# expl.var = myExpl,
# resp.xy = myRespXY,
# resp.name = myRespName,
# PA.nb.rep = 4,
# PA.nb.absences = 1000,
# PA.strategy = 'sre',
# PA.sre.quant = 0.025)
# # Format Data with pseudo-absences : user.defined method
# myPAtable <- data.frame(PA1 = ifelse(myResp == 1, TRUE, FALSE),
# PA2 = ifelse(myResp == 1, TRUE, FALSE))
# for (i in 1:ncol(myPAtable)) myPAtable[sample(which(myPAtable[, i] == FALSE), 500), i] = TRUE
# myBiomodData.u <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp.PA,
# expl.var = myExpl,
# resp.xy = myRespXY,
# resp.name = myRespName,
# PA.strategy = 'user.defined',
# PA.user.table = myPAtable)
# myBiomodData.r
# myBiomodData.d
# myBiomodData.s
# myBiomodData.u
# plot(myBiomodData.r)
# plot(myBiomodData.d)
# plot(myBiomodData.s)
# plot(myBiomodData.u)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------#
# # Select multiple sets of pseudo-absences
# # Transform true absences into potential pseudo-absences
# myResp.PA <- ifelse(myResp == 1, 1, NA)
# # Format Data with pseudo-absences : random method
# myBiomodData.multi <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp.PA,
# expl.var = myExpl,
# resp.xy = myRespXY,
# resp.name = myRespName,
# PA.nb.rep = 4,
# PA.nb.absences = c(1000, 500, 500, 200),
# PA.strategy = 'random')
# myBiomodData.multi
# summary(myBiomodData.multi)
# plot(myBiomodData.multi)